How did Homeschool Spanish Academy get started?
Homeschool Spanish Academy is the result of Ron Fortin following his entrepenurial dream of creating a business that helps his employees and provides customers with outstanding service at an affordable price. In 2009 Ron Fortin moved down to Antigua, Guatemala on a two year mission to work as a principal of a school for impoverished children. Before beginning his new mission Ron knew none of the language. 4 weeks prior Ron was put in contact with a Spanish instructor who taught him survival spanish over Skype before he arrived. Fast forward two years Ron had completed his mission and during that time found many more teachers that taught spanish as a second language. Recognizing these teachers had the experience and talent to teach anyone the language, Ron founded Homeschool Spanish Academy Inc. 7 years later the business is thriving as new teachers and students join the program. We are excited you found the program too! Take advantage of the wonderful opportunity Ron has created!